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GO NATURAL are suppliers of the best of breed and proven health products.


The items that we sell were carefully selected and tried and tested by ourselves and our customers over the years. These will deliver life changing, measurable results for you and your family. The good news is that the body is DESIGNED to heal and win, you must just allow it to do so.

The TRUTHS in our book will empower you and set you FREE from “dis-ease”.

1. Our top seller book, GO NATURAL – Wisdom for Healthy Living, is your ESSENTIAL GUIDE for ‘DIS-EASE’ free living. We also stock a variety of other books.
2. Real and Fresh Foods: grains, herbs, nuts, seeds, pulses, honey, bread, fermented foods, food supplements, pasture reared meat, dairy and poultry and much more.
3. Juicers
4. Blenders
5. Dehydrators
6. Fermentation Crock Pots
7. Water Distillers and Purification Equipment
8. Rebounders
9. Sprouters
10. Stone Mills
11. Grain Rollers
12. Food supplements and many more health products.


Your body is engineered to win and heal. GO NATURAL helps people to TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR OWN HEALTH. This self-healing capability is encoded in our genes. Your body consist of its own ‘INNER DOCTOR’ which knows exactly what is happening inside your body and where the trauma is located, but it also knows what is required for healing and balance (homeostasis) to take place. The requirement is that your ‘INNER DOCTOR’ needs an adequate supply of real and pure nutrients, or building blocks, to fuel the characteristics of self-healing, self-protecting, self-cleaning and self-maintenance. Real foods in our original food chain, pure water as well as a clean environment – as was found approximately 150 years ago – is essential for the ‘INNER DOCTOR’ to function at its full capacity and capability. On the contrary the packaged modern food chain found in superstores is GROSSLY nutrient deficient, leaving most people in a constant state of craving and in fact suffering from malnutrition despite being overfed. Ultimately there is only one way to eat and live – NATURALLY. This is why GO NATURAL was authored and founded with its 10 STEP NUTRITIONAL PLAN, filled with practical and easy to follow skills and recipes to prepare real food from living ingredients.


Once the root causes of the “dis-ease” are identified and removed, the table is set for healing and recovery. This is only possible when our INNER DOCTER is set free to do what it does best: self-healing.

You too, can take control of your health. Buy a GO NATURAL book today, read it, join the GO NATURAL movement and enjoy the GO NATURAL diet and lifestyle, experience healing, recovery, optimal health, vitality and freedom from the shackles of man-made “dis-ease” and the symptomatic treatment of modern medicine.

Visit OUR TESTIMONY PAGE and discover our profound testimonies of people who recovered the natural, safe and cost-effective way from severe dreaded “dis-eases”.



Cnr Nobel & Ou Paardevlei Road, Somerset West 7130, Western Cape, South Africa
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